CBCM 3500, Goals, and Life

Many classes will have you write goals for the semester whether that be political science or math. Few times those goals extend out farther than “I want an A” or “I want to have perfect attendance”. For a class like CBCM 3500 though, my goals are much more far reaching than that.

Source: convergedtechnologysolutions.com

Seeing how this class is first of all in my major and second of all preparing me to further my career I would it would be pertinent for me to be a bit more ambitious with my goals. I would like to be able to really get a complete understanding of the “Converged”part of Converged Broadcast Media.

With the internet being such a titanic part of everyday life for so many people it is important to recognize shifts in culture and something the news has been slowly moving towards is online entertainment. Something that many companies are going to be look for in their applicants. To help stand out from the crowd classes like this one can definitely give me the skills to stand out from all the other college graduates that just know how to produce television or write for a newspaper.

The ability to combine all forms of media and put them on the internet is an imperative skill to have going forth in my future endeavors and the thing I hope to get most from this class.

Featured Image source: newtec.eu

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