College Code

College Code is a two season long comedy interview show produced on North Texas Television. And hosts a verity of questions and scenarios to everyday college students and how they would react in those situations. It also features skits depicting  how those college students would react in those specific scenarios. Being a comedy show it […]

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UNT Housing Fair

Recently I was able to attend the “UNT Housing Fair” that was home to music, games, and much information about off-campus housing and various student services related to it. Hosted in the Library Mall from 11 AM to 1 PM it was the sight of many different booths set up to let students know about […]

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Weekly News Journal 1 I feel like this news story provides a good context to the story it is trying to tell. The reporter provides a large amount of hyperlinks and outside sources. Plus with myself being in the national guard I feel like this story really connects with my on a personal level. For this news […]

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CBCM 3500, Goals, and Life

Many classes will have you write goals for the semester whether that be political science or math. Few times those goals extend out farther than “I want an A” or “I want to have perfect attendance”. For a class like CBCM 3500 though, my goals are much more far reaching than that. Seeing how this […]

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My Road to College

I’ve never exactly have talked about myself on this blog site. It’s mostly just been my opinions but never my opinions or history about me. So I’ve decided to share my road to college and how exactly I was accepted to the University of North Texas. When junior year rolls around people start really stressing […]

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Morality on YouTube

On YouTube there is a Youtuber by the name of Keemstar. On his channel Drama Alert he promotes so-called “Youtube drama” as his main source of content. He find other people on the internet, mainly fellow Youtubers and takes their drama and presents it to the public in a very tabloid way. He is a […]

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Not all superheros are created equally: Why some superhero movies should not be rated R

First off, we all know that the Deadpool movie superseded everyone’s expectations. It released with overwhelming success and is now the highest grossing rated R movie of all time. So now studios are clamoring to find that next big “adult” superhero movie. There’s been talking about making the third stand alone Wolverine movie rated R. […]

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