Weekly News Journal 1

http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/11/opinions/national-guard-critical-component-america-military-anderson/index.html I feel like this news story provides a good context to the story it is trying to tell. The reporter provides a large amount of hyperlinks and outside sources. Plus with myself being in the national guard I feel like this story really connects with my on a personal level. http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/11/opinions/national-guard-critical-component-america-military-anderson/index.html For this news […]

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CBCM 3500, Goals, and Life

Many classes will have you write goals for the semester whether that be political science or math. Few times those goals extend out farther than “I want an A” or “I want to have perfect attendance”. For a class like CBCM 3500 though, my goals are much more far reaching than that. Seeing how this […]

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