Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice and where it went wrong

Fist of all I do not hate this movie. I think it is a good movie with some great action sequences and some fantastic visuals. The casting of Ben Affleck is great for the role of Bruce Wayne/Batman and Jeremy Irons is one of the best Alfred’s that has come to the big screen. The opening action scene where Bruce Wayne is during through the destruction caused by Superman’s fight with General Zod is stunningly shot and is quite riveting. I liked the movie but I am disappointed with what this movie could have been and how the hype killed any notion of going into this movie with no expectations.

Then again I can’t blame anyone for going into this movie with high expectations. It’s Batman vs. Superman!


But it’s not the hype that led this movie a stray for me. It was the sloppy storytelling and the editing that was all over the place. Director Zack Snyder is not a story teller, he is a visual effects artist and his is fantastic at what he does. In a movie that trying to set up a universe though he is not the person you want leading the charge.

The movie is much longer than what it needed to be and it could have done with a few more cuts to certain scenes that would have made the movie much more cohesive. How the set up the fight between Batman and Superman is also pretty wishy washy in terms of storytelling.

Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor was terrible. I hated every second he was on screen and I could not get behind his take on the character.


Lex Luthor is not supposed to be some twitchy crazy person. He is a genius who is a very calm and collected person. His motivations for hating Superman is very shaky and he pretty much hates him because the plot calls for it.

The culmination of these events make for a somewhat sloppy movie that cant get its story together and tries to be what marvel has been building up with the Marvel Cinematic Universe for eight years into one movie. Needless to say Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is not the worst superhero movie out there by far but it’s one of the most disappointing.

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