10 Cloverfield Lane: A Study in Marketing

10 Cloverfield Lane is a movie full of mysteries. Who is trustworthy? What actually happened to the outside world? Who will survive? Among those presents perhaps the greatest mystery of all, the marketing. Now little was originally known about this movie before the first trailer dropped during the Deadpool previews.

Source: movieweb.com

It was filmed under a false name The Cellar. There was some buzz around the Hollywood rumor mill as to the premise of the movie but nothing concrete as JJ Abrams is known for being rather secretive when it comes to his films. Then when the first trailer dropped the name was changed and the whole world knew about this movie with cloverfield in the title.

The original Cloverfield was a found footage monster movie set in New York City. 10 Cloverfield Lane is filmed traditionally and is set in a bomb shelter. It has been said to be in the same universe as the first one but it is not a sequel.

Source: movieplot.com

The brilliance of this movies marketing is that the first trailer was released about a month before the was released theatrically. They also reveled little to no information about the movie in the trailer other than the setting and the three main characters. If you wanted to know what happened you would have to buy a ticket and see it.

In a day and age where there are four trailers released anywhere from a year to six months before the movie is actually released and most likely has minor if not major spoilers to the plot. It is nice to see a marketing team to the exact opposite of the typical marketing buzz and instead relied on shear curiosity to drive a movie’s marketing.

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